Course Overview:
The main goal of the course is the introduction of problem solving using scientific methodologies. Operations research applies scientific methodology to the analysis, of management, function and operation of complex systems, resources, human resources, and/or information. The course is built around non-probabilistic models mainly the linear programming methodology and its variations. Case studies involve among others the transportation problem, the assignment problem, the allocation problem. After the end of the course the student should know the basic concepts of decision making in non-probabilistic environment. They should be able to analyse a real problem, construct the appropriate model (linear, integer, non-linear, dynamic, multi-objective programming) and solve it. The students should be familiarized with the various aspects of sensitivity analysis.
Research studies analysis and planning of complex systems. This course will focus on mathematical modelling. A strong emphasis will be given to model formulation. On the methodology side, Linear and Integer Programming techniques will be introduced. At the end of the course, students will have the skills to build their own formulations, to expand existing
formulations, to critically evaluate the impact of model assumptions and to choose an appropriate solution technique for a given formulation.
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