Digital Marketing

SKU: DM Category:


Course Overview:

Global Business is increasingly confronted with the need to participate and manage in a real-time digital environment. Hence businesses need to consider how to take advantage of digital technologies as a tool and potential imperative for competitive advantage and whether their current marketing strategies are coherent with strategies for the digital market. Designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the impact of marketing in the digital environment, Digital Marketing targets the Web, mobile, iPads as well as social media in the context of both their technological underpinnings and facilitation of delivery mechanisms. Students investigate globalisation, adaptation, and real-time communication issues together with new forms of segmentation and an entire new paradigm of understanding consumer in this rapidly changing digital environment. Digital Marketing has come up as one of the most prominent techniques to grow one’s startup, corporation, brand, business, etc. through various tools and strategies. Presently, almost every industry like Media and Entertainment, Finance, Content Marketing, Businesses, etc. have started to use Digital Marketing strategies to grow at the digital level


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