What is Caselearn?

Case-Learn is a co-learning platform dedicated to Management students. This academic portal aims at providing the practical knowledge that
the book-based curriculum fails to deliver. In a competitive world, where universities impart only book-based knowledge, students need to understand their subjects practically. When used eff
ectively, the portal guarantees to equip the students with the expertise required for the corporate job market requirements. During this current hybrid regime of blended learning, the academicians can use this platform to teach the students with video-based cases which can be substituted with the existing cases which are old and lengthy. 

 What does it means to students?

Case-Learn helps the students to learn the subjects using the chapter-wise course videos, which can be used as a co-learn platform to recap the class lectures or revise the chapters during examinations.


How it works?

 – Students sign up with Case learn.
 – Students view the list of cases available.
 – Students enroll for the course.
 – Go through the study material.
 – Take up the assessment test.
 – Download their certificate.

 Why Caselearn? 

Case-Learn offers current news videos as cases so that the students can get updated with the business environment and since the assessments are linked with application questions, it offers more value to the current learning. Video cases offered by Case-Learn help the students to understand and appreciate the theories. Generally, visual learning always stays in the brain longer than general reading, So case learns videos help the students to reproduce the theories anytime, which stays with them forever.